Thursday, May 31, 2007
So i'm currently taking a break now, just finished a crucial portion of the CATS project work. Hopefully project leader Ben will see nothing needs to be changed, cause i'm tired of CATS.
So i'm like supposed to revise CIP later on, no wait, i mean learn CIP. Revise can only be used if you actually learned it before:D
Oh yea, i forgot to mention i got sick 2 days ago. Started with a minor throat irritance which led to a sore throat which made me wish for death, which led to a headache and in the midst of all that, i got a blocked nose too.
Thank God my sickness is not the painful type that will take away valuable concentration needed on my work now. Save for Biz stats and microeconomics, my remaining subjects need serious revision/learning right now. With the CATS project out of the way (for now), i can put due focus on my upcoming common test.
Oh and because of CATS, i needed a women's magazine to refer to. Imagine all the times i had to explain to my famly that i had it in my room for a project, nothing sinister intended.
Tuesday, May 22, 2007
Many project deadlines loom ever nearer. CATS and CIP.
Oh and exams on 2nd - 8th June. Which is pretty alright if not for the fact that i haven't really memorised anything properly, but the idea's in my head.
Oh man oh man oh man. If there are 2 things in life which i am horrible at, it is stress management and time management.
And i really need both now. I need to finish CIP 8 photos project by this sunday and i haven't even gotten started on preparing the powerpoint slides (although i'm pretty sure shannon is a whiz at that).
CATS? I need to sit down with my group proper to discuss our evaluation and all the other seemingly irrelevant details for this product for CATS assignment 1( I don't like CATS, not a creative person by nature). To be done by Friday.
And there's this OB group project like in july?
Somebody save me, the 2 week holiday after the exams cannot come sooner.
Monday, May 14, 2007
In the process of doing something, have you ever forgotten your initial reason for wanting to do it?
I'm trying to avoid that here in poly. I came into here to challenge my comfort zone and trust me, it is challenged greatly right now (I dislike project work. Guess what poly work is mostly about)
I threw out social norms when i took up this lesser taken path. I disliked learning for the sake of getting an easier path into university thus i took up the harder path which yielded (IMO) more practical benefits.
But it's tough. It's a slack environment here save for the projects. So naturally your resolve weakens and weakens until you barely remember why you're here.
But i cannot let that happen. My education cannot stop prematurely. I cannot end 3 years of taking the lesser taken path with nothing to my name but a diploma.
I need to keep my eyes on the trophy. The light at the end of the tunnel.
Please smack me if i veer off course. I need all the support i can get.
Go crazy and laugh at what vain little thomas thinks of himself.
Sunday, May 13, 2007
... and I still am as un-organised as ever. My master file (storing all my module notes, tutorials) is just a storage place for un-punched notes and tutorial sheets.
And as much as i want to be prepared for lectures as much as possible, i often sleep at 11+ on wednesday night without reading up thoroughly on the micro-economics lecture the next day (although i seem to grasp everything at the lecture anyway. Not the point)
Study wise, it's been pretty easy save for a bit of business statistics. Given it's calculation based nature, it just takes a while more to comprehend but otherwise it's just a number crunching subject.
Ooh and i love microeconomics. The practicality of it all just makes me love the subject. I don't need no motivation to read up on this module.
My class people are a quiet lot. Quiet in the sense that they aren't the lot to hang out after class as one bunch of buddy-buddy friends. Quite understandable, really. Some of us just prefer to have a close-knit circle of friends.
But i'd rather live a more active life in poly. Having a clique to hang out with is rather fun and all. But therein lies another problem for me though.
So i chill out with the combined class people. They're noisy and active, all fine traits of a social group. But i feel left out at most times.
It may be because of who i am (not really the type who laughs at anything), my inability to add anything funny (my humor lies with poking fun at people i'm familiar with) or God knows anything i'm blissfully unaware of.
But any kind of integration takes time and perhaps mine's a little longer than most would have to wait for. No one really has everything in Life going as they want, friendship seems to be that for me.
Till then, i have my laptop and phone to fiddle around with.
Monday, May 7, 2007
Canteen 1. Crowded as usual. ___________________________________________________________________ Couldn't help myself. I had to test out my new K800i camera. :D So like business statistics lecture was cancelled today, to the hurrah of my classmates. Heck, i'm happy myself. I didn't revise last week's topic, so learning anything new would compound the confusion and make scoring AD for this module a helluva task. So like i had my NP ambassadors game session last friday. Gah, what a screw-up. I totally flunked in the debate (I froze, as usual) and in the promote NP segment (freezing up and running out of idea sucks). So i hope to redeem myself in the interview coming up this thursday. Passion can only lead you so far, so i wouldn't count too much on it. Speaking of interviews on thursdays, i was checking my NPmail just now. Imagine my surprise when i open a new mail which basically said,' You got yourself a chance at scholarship. This thursday. Come down. Prove yourself. Don't miss it.' Wee. Picked out from the other high-scorers. Let's hope my results and my past experience at leadership (vice-head prefect) can clinch that money-saver/experience gainer. What are the odds. 2 very crucial interviews on the same day. One at 12.50 (meaning i'll miss a bit of Biz stats tutorial) and the other at 5.30. Keeping my fingers crossed. Playing vitural chess if i remember correctly.
The paper towers (i thought tutor meant paper towels at first) we built.
Friday, May 4, 2007
I've had many good conversations over msn before. I've confessed to liking people over msn before. I've had soul-searching conversations over msn before.
Alas, i foresee such times being a thing of the past. It seems like the people who i frequently chat with in the past just don't seem that interested in talking to me or they're too busy.
Which is a real pity. I love nothing more than having a meaningful conversation with someone regardless of the hour, heck i've had such a conversation till 3 in the morning.
And the new friends?
At this particular point in time, i don't feel at ease enough to strike up a meaningful conversation with them. 'How's the weather' or 'MIEC lecture was boring today' doesn't cut across as meaningful to me.
Which does nothing to alleviate the feeling of 'you're on your own kid'. Poly is the road less taken, i'm very well aware of that. My close friends are all in JC, and having close friends is an important thing to me.
But hey, the writing's not in stone, so what i make of my friendships in the near future is entirely dependent on me. Suits me fine, me being a control freak and all.
Thanks to all the blogs i referred to (countless) for html code help :) (esp. cyn' and sixseven)
Adobe Photoshop Elements for supernatural abilities