Sunday, September 30, 2007
When you just want to say something, anything, just to break the silence, what do you say?
It's something that eludes me. The ability to find words for moments such as these.
I said I wouldn't be able to go to camp. That was true.
Now it's not. Tickets to and back from Australia is apparently very expensive. Singapore FTW. Heh, but I'm glad. I'm going to WoW's combined Drama camp 2007. I'm going to learn. I'm going to be something new.
Then what do I do? Do I let it persist? Do I let fate take its path and hope for the best?
Or do I stand up for what I want?
Friday, September 28, 2007
Sorry for the mini-haitus, halo 3 kept me distracted. Or obsessed, to be accurate.
Played around an average of 8 hours per day, majority done in the wee hours of the early morning. The reason for doing so was because the better TV to enjoy Halo 3 on is occupied by my family in the night.
After all that gaming blitz, my common sense returned, so halo 3 doesn't quite addict me as much as it did at first. I can imagine playing it on weekends when school starts again.
Nothing much to report, other than my first time ever being in a queue for a video game. Halo 3 of course. It was funny to overhear students talking about missing school to get and play the game. But I'm glad at least some have the guts to do it. It's Singapore for God's sake, bravery like this is hardly seen. Although it can be considered as rebellion and we teens aren't very resistant to it, are we?
Nearing October. In one hour and one week's time, it'd be my birthday. 17, nothing big really. Except I can legally stay out past 11, but then again, that curfew set by the police never really did stop me from coming home at 12 plus. It's no big deal when your parents know you'll come back late.
All I can say is I'll be happy when poly starts again. Time to get the noggin back at work and the muscles into a little activity.
Sunday, September 23, 2007
Why oh why? Why Lord? Is this what you call a united people?
Saturday, September 22, 2007
Shameless promotion coming right up!
Story Blog's second story is up! Titled 'If', go have a looksie won't ya?
Friday, September 21, 2007
Sorry for the lousy graphics. You now know why I got C6 for art consistently, heh. But let not the poorly rendered graphic distract you from what I'm trying to push across here.
You know people sometimes say that they don't know who they really are? I think it applies to me too. If you asked me to describe myself in a short paragraph, I'd be a loss at words.
I could say I'm an arrogant, flaunty fool. I also could say there's a romantic within me. I also could say I'm one of the most competitive persons alive. I could say many things. I wouldn't be lying about any of them (There wouldn't be any point in lying to yourself anyway).
What I'm trying to say really is: What is one thing, one description of me that one people read it they know it is me instantly?
Maybe people can come up with something, but I can't. I don't even know who I am.
Let's take the artistic side of me for a spin. Remember the story I wrote in my other blog? Came up with it in an hour, however short it may be. Something just hit me and I couldn't stop writing. For me to take up something and have such dedication to see it through... that takes a lot of commitment.
Academic. Some of my earlier posts show that. I can be really driven to score well, to nudge past people and tick people off the wrong way just to get that score.
Care-free. I can sit down in front of my laptop all day just posting on forums and reading my comics. No obligation in life is fine with me.
These 3 sides is always posing as me. Like I was happily reading about halo 3 just now, I became slightly more inspired when I read several beautiful pieces. All which happened in a matter of minutes.
There is no predominant trait of me. I'm like an ever-shifting alogorithim, never the same.
And if one is never the same, what purpose could one have in life? I'm a drifter man. Drifting through life, happy whatever comes my way.
I've said my peace. Sorry if my post seems very fragmented, things just came out like that. It isn't supposed to be so... messy. But hey, that's what I am.
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
If my timetable didn't lie (which I'm praying it isn't), I'm in 03. Yippe!
So yea, thanks to God who gave me what I want, divine intervention could only be the thing that saved me in yesterday's drama (see yesterday's post).
Went down to AMK hub in the late afternoon. Went to enquire about xbox 360's accessories. Stupid wireless adaptor costs $123, I'm just gonna go ahead and buy an extended ethernet cable, saves me about 100 over dollars.
But of course the main highlight of going to AMK hub was to check if Halo 3 was going to be launched in Singapore on the 25th of September too. Well yes and no. Yes because I can get it if I buy a pre-order card in which I have to go down on the 25th (which is also my dad's birthday) to get it from suntec city. $79.90. But of course it's the collector's edition too, so the game plus some extra goodies. No because the game will only be launched in stores on the 27th.
Being the geek that I am, I'm going down again tomrrow to buy the ethernet cable and the pre-order card. 4/5 days left. Can't wait.
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
In line with life's unpredictability, I didn't manage to choose my idea timetable. 0703.
It went like this:
Being the nervous wreck that I am, I decided to locate my laptop near my router when I was to do the selection. As the time of 12 approached, I ceased all msn conversations and clicked on the self-select timetable registration repeatedly. At that point of time it made perfect sense to do that as it seemed like an equivalent of refreshing a page.
Well of course not. 2 minutes passed 12 and still no registration page. Smelling something fishy, I logged off and on to the system again. To my minute of horror, I the page sprung up. It meant that clicking the button over and over again wouldn't work. I quickly clicked the drop down page and WHAM, only 0701 and 0702 were available.
Damage control time. I selected 0701, it having the second most ideal timetable to me. Even though I succeeded in getting 0701, I am still kinda pissed. It's my own fault I didn't make 0703. No one else's.
Oh and my old class probably think I'm a prick right now. Those who knew I rather go 0703 then 0701, our pre-decided timetable. All I can say is... Not that I don't wanna be in the same class as you guys, but I just wanna pick a good timetable. Yea.
It seems I'm in 0703 now? I was kinda glum and was openo suggestions. Being bored, I choose 0703, thus effectively re-applying. Even though I already submitted a request. To my surprise, I got drafted in 0703.
And I'm not entirely happy now. Cause it still might mean I'm still in 0701 (not that it's a bad thing) but system screwed up and let me re-apply. So I would have to wait for 2 days for final confirmation of which class I'm really in. Damn, I really hate suspense.
Thursday, September 13, 2007
Well. It's finally done. Go check it out and comment ya? Always grateful for constructive comments I am.
Today was an above-average day. Went to check my eyes. Healed sufficiently from the drying medicine I used to use my night contacts again. World, welcome the Brian with small beady and glass-less eyes again.
Friday. Day of results. I'm completely nonchalant to it, given the complete fiasco that was my microeconomics exam. 'Keep Looking Forward' as the Robinsons might say. True, that. Ignore the past, blaze through the future.
Realising that inspiration does flow once turned on,
Brian Thomas Lim
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
Eh. I mean she is part of the game, though not the one capturing my attention.
Ah, that's the game. Need for speed: Most wanted. Helluva nice game, fast cars and hot girls, what more could a game offer?
Ugly over here also piqued my interest, so you can't really blame me for spenting a good portion of my time on my laptop.
Sunday, September 9, 2007
My life is a G**DAMN anti-climax.
I prepped myself for this thing telling myself stuff like "It'll go smoothly lah, nothing bad will happen" and "If you don't do this, you'll regret this".
And when I did try it...
Never even went through.
Saturday, September 8, 2007
And the other road has now gone out of sight...
Thanks for the memories, though I doubt I'll keep them. No use ya see?
I'm not one for memories nor times long gone.
Being cryptic for a reason,
Brian Thomas Lim
Sunday, September 2, 2007
As I write this post, I am in the midst of writing my first ever story that is done for the sake of self-improvement.
When I am done with the first story of many to come, I shall post it in my brand new blog. That one shall contain all my future stories that I hope to pen. Go over to and read it as a sign of support!
I hope it's not a one-off thing. At this point in time, I am rather serious about writing on a weekly basis to fine-tune my english in areas such as expressing myself. And also to maintain my standard of english.
And of course this blog will not be negelcted! All my normal day to day rantings will continye to be splashed on this page.
Hoping that motivation will not ebb away in the coming weeks,
Brian Thomas Lim
The first week of my holidays was spent in typical fashion. Games all day.
So of course when God revealed to me how I could spruce up the holidays to make it more eventful and purposeful for me, how could I say no?
So here's what I'm going to do.
1) Learn how to play the guitar. Finally, at least I'd have learnt a musical instrument, always useful at some point in life no?
2) Start writing regularly. Getting relatively high for compositions in secondary school ain't a big deal. Time to write real stories.
3) Lift dumbells. Don't need to have those 6-pac-ish bodies, something toned.
So with those 3 mini objectives, I hope to add more meaning to my hols. Of course there's nothing wrong with slacking off, it's only that one can only take so much nagging from a parent.
Looking for a good blogskin for my story blog,
Brian Thomas Lim
Thanks to all the blogs i referred to (countless) for html code help :) (esp. cyn' and sixseven)
Adobe Photoshop Elements for supernatural abilities